"Say No to Pills : Boost Your Immunity Naturally with Ayurveda: "

According to Ayurveda, here are five foods that can boost immunity for both adults:

Turmeric: This spice has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. You can add a little turmeric to warm milk or food.

Ginger: Ginger helps reduce inflammation and boosts immunity. You can add it to tea, soups, and meals.

Tulsi (Holy Basil): Tulsi leaves help strengthen the immune system. You can make tulsi tea or chew fresh leaves.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla is rich in vitamin C and helps improve immunity. You can eat it fresh, drink its juice, or have it dried.

 Honey: Honey has natural antimicrobial properties and can boost immunity. You can eat it directly or mix it into warm water, milk, or herbal teas.


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