"How to Stay Safe from Monkeypox: Easy Tips"


Here’s how to protect  yourself from monkeypox in simple terms:

Avoid Close Contact: Stay away from people who have a rash or sores that could be monkeypox. Don’t share items like clothing or bedding with someone who is sick.

Wash Your Hands: Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer if soap isn’t available.

Wear Protection: If you need to be near someone with monkeypox, wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself.

Isolate if Sick: If you think you might have monkeypox, stay away from others and call your doctor for advice.

Get Vaccinated: If you’re at risk or in an area with monkeypox cases, talk to your doctor about getting a vaccine that can help prevent it.

Be Careful with Animals: Don’t touch animals that might be sick, especially in areas where monkeypox is common.

Stay Updated: Keep an eye on news and health guidelines to know if monkeypox is spreading in your area.

These steps can help keep you safe from monkeypox.


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